Polyglot Gathering: why attend and what I’ve learnt from the online polyglot gathering 2020

The Polyglot Gathering 2020, which was supposed to be held in Poland this year, became the first Polyglot Gathering Online!

In this video I share my experience of this first online Polyglot Gathering and some helpful language learning tips from the polyglots attending this language event.

Watch the video below to find out:

Below are the links mentioned in the video:

This video offers just a little taste of what was said at the Polyglot Gathering 2020 and I’d advice you to keep an eye on the Polyglot Gathering youtube channel to see when the full presentations of this year will be released – so you can learn more!

Now tell me in the comments below: have you ever attended and would you like to attend the Polyglot Gathering? And which language learning tip from the video above you’d like to try to improve your language skills?

I can’t wait to hear from you.

A presto,


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